Md Roofing & Roof Repair

Maryland Roofing Contractors

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New Roof
Upper Marlboro, Maryland



"Reviving the Roof Over in Maryland"

by Bill Thomas

Fewer than 10% of all existing home roofs actually qualify for a "roof over;" a procedure where an experienced contractor actually adds a layer of new roofing to the present roof.

The old roof must be perfectly flat, free of debris and organic matter (mold, algae, fungus), and have no damaged underlayment. If these conditions are favorable, and you're sure the contractor knows exactly what he's doing, then you can save thousands of dollars.

However, "roofing over" requires a different skillset than normal; experience with "roofing over" is a MUST.

The roofing technician must know more about air pressures and pneumatics (if using a power nailer) -- he must have knowledge of how to tie the "starter strip" in with the new system -- how to "cut back" the existing shingles in strategic areas to make the roof look fabulous . . . different methods of installing new flashings, etc.

As a homeowner, if these requirements are satisfied and you can retain the right contractor, then often thousands can be saved -- but beware -- because a poorly applied "roof over" can be a nightmare.

Hopefully these videos will be of help. They qualify as "real world" roofing advice; since the first video was part of the bid presentation package and the second video was shot during the work after we won the job.

If you have any questions, even if you're not in our service area, just go to the Contact Us Page, leave me a note, and I'll be happy to help.